Study Abroad
Study Abroad from Career Spark is Student Assist Program where a Team of Career Experts helps a Student find the Right Country and College and Course vital for the career they aim for. It is process where we instill learning methodology required to acquire global skills and open up personal and professional opportunities. We do it through assessment, mentoring , and planning to make sure proper guidance is received along with making the student more self aware.
Processes Involved
3 C's Shortlisting
Standardized Test
Profile Building
Personal Application Strategy
Our 3Cs approach is developed to help the student gain systematic and calculated insights into the course, country and college of their choice. Choosing the right path of career is one of the most important, but overwhelming decisions you can make, and it is crucial that you don't go wrong. When you choose a career you are choosing work that you're likely to be doing for a long time and become an industry expert through education and experience.
Our 3C’s Approach is to help the student gain a systematic and calculated approach for the Course, Country and College choices. Choosing a career path to follow is one of the most important decisions you can make. When you choose a career, you are choosing work that you will likely become an expert in over time through education and experience.
Building up a Toolkit comprising all the Strengths, Experience, and Personal Attributes required
for Studies aboard
We understand the limitless benefits of a good foreign education. But we also realize that it comes with taxing admission processes that can quickly get overwhelming. Therefore,we are making an effort to give our students an edge over other candidates by building their skills, elevating their profile and improving their applications that shall multiply their chances of securing a position in their dream college.